Driving and Traffic Offences

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Traffic Offences

Drink driving

National Criminal Lawyers have been successful in defending a number of Drink Driving charges and achieved a number of non-convictions for Drink Driving (low range, special range and Mid-range).

Dangerous driving

National Criminal Lawyers are one of the top traffic lawyers in Sydney and have been successful in defending a number of Dangerous Driving charges where the prosecution could not establish each of the elements of Dangerous Driving.

Drive while there is prescribed illicit substance present in oral fluid, blood or urine sample

National Criminal Lawyers have been successful in defending several Drive while there is a prescribed illicit substance present charges where the prosecution could not establish each of the elements offence.

Driving whilst unlicensed/ suspended/ disqualified

National Criminal Lawyers have been successful in defending a number of Driving charges where the prosecution could not establish each of the elements of the offence.

Fail to stop and give particulars

National Criminal Lawyers one of the most sought-after Traffic Lawyers Sydney and greater Sydney have to offer.

Furious or reckless driving

National Criminal Lawyers have been successful in defending a number of Furious or Reckless Driving charges where the prosecution could not establish each of the elements of Furious or Reckless Driving.

Negligent driving

National Criminal Lawyers have been successful in defending a number of Negligent Driving charges where the prosecution could not establish each of the elements of Negligent Driving.

Police pursuit

National Criminal Lawyers have been successful in defending a number of Police Pursuit charges where the prosecution could not establish each of the elements of Police Pursuit.

Predatory driving

National Criminal Lawyers have been successful in defending a number of Predatory Driving charges where the prosecution could not establish each of the elements of Predatory Driving.

Red light camera

National Criminal Lawyers have been successful in defending a number of Red Light Camera charges.

Refuse to provide oral fluid sample or refuse or fail to submit to providing blood sample when unable to provide an oral fluid sample

National Criminal Lawyers have been successful in defending a number of Refuse to provide oral fluid sample or refuse or fail to submit to providing a blood sample when unable to provide an oral fluid sample charges where the prosecution could not establish each of the elements offence.


National Criminal Lawyers have been successful in defending a number of Speeding charges where the prosecution could not establish each of the elements of Speeding.

Other traffic offences

National Criminal lawyers are the go-to lawyers for all traffic offences. This is because National Criminal Lawyers understand how stressful demerit points and how potential or actual loss of a driver’s licence can have on your life.
